2025 open house
open house and Registration Night will take place on Thursday, March 6, 2025 6-7:30 pm at Baturyn Community hall 10505 172 Ave. Please click on registration Form for all information. On registration night EVERYONE must have paper copies printed and filled out along with all REQUIREMENTS.
We base our program around theme-based play. Students will be introduced to the joys of learning by taking part in fun interactive circle times, table activities including creative crafts, fine motor activities, counting, pre printing, games, music, and daily physical activities! We will encourage the development of the following skills:
- Cooperation, sharing, and taking turns
- Fine motor skills: cutting, tracing, drawing/coloring and painting
- Sensory play: sensory tables, 5 senses learning, hands on science fun
- Large motor skills: hopping, skipping, jumping, catching, throwing, climbing, swinging indoors and outdoors
- Literacy: love of books and identifying sounds (same and different)
- Numeracy: sorting, classifying, patterning and counting
Baturyn Community Playschool is also happy to accept students that are connected with GRIT, Community Options or other specialized service program providers. We are committed to working alongside those programs to help students meet their individual goals and milestones.
The following are class options when registering for the school year:
- Tuesday/ Thursday 3 year old program- 9:00 am-11:30 am
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday 4 year old program- 9:00 am-11:30 am
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3/4 year old program- 12:15 pm-2:45 pm
*Child must be 3 years of age to start playschool(on or before October 31 of the current year. Children who are not yet 3 at the start of school must wait until their birthday to attend. Full monthly payment is still required as you are holding a spot until your child is 3. ALL children must be fully toilet trained for any class.
A $50 non-refundable registration fee is required at time of registration via email money transfer to [email protected], monetary donation of $100(cheque/cash) for the raffle fundraiser.
Tues/Thurs – Family portion $12 monthly (the remainder of the monthly fee is subsidized by the Affordability Grant through the government)
M/W/F – Family portion $51 monthly (the remainder of the monthly fee is subsidized by the Affordability Grant through the government) Cleaning & Maintenance Fee– 1 time fee of $100 invoiced with you first month tuition
Playschool orientation email will be sent out mid to end of August to the emails provided at registration
For more information on all playschool information, rules and policies, please see the BCL Playschool Handbook linked below or email the Playschool Director at [email protected].
Volunteering & Fundraising Commitment
Non dated hold cheque of $250 for volunteering will be due at time of registration. Each family will be expected to fulfill one Volunteer commitment for the year. If the commitment is not fulfilled the cheque will be cashed. Once the commitment has been fulfilled the cheque will be returned. The volunteer positions will be posted at the orientation night to sign up for the year.
The playschool runs one MANDATORY fundraiser a year of a cash raffle.
Option 1: Parents/guardians will provide a $300 fundraiser deposit cheque or payment that will be held until the commitment is fulfilled. It is expected each family will provide a monetary donation of $100 cash/cheque as well as sell a minimum number of raffle tickets. Families will be provided 40 raffle tickets at $5 each to sell. Families will be given 6-10 weeks to sell raffle tickets.
Option 2: Alternative option will be to opt out of selling raffle tickets and providing the $100 monetary donation and instead provide a $400 buy out cheque that will be cashed immediately for your fundraising commitment.This cheque must be provided at registration and if it is not it must be provide to the classroom teacher
before your child is admitted into the classroom.
***Your fundraising commitment choice must be chosen at registration. You can ONLY choose option 2 and pay out your fundraising commitment at registration.
Once the entire fundraising commitment is completed for option 1 (cash donation and minimum ticket sales) your hold cheque will be returned. If unable to meet the entire fundraising commitment, your fundraising hold cheque will be cashed.
Please contact our Playschool Director for any further questions.
Some of the available volunteer positions:
- Fundraising committee and coordinator
- Cleaning nights committee and coordinator
- Scrapbook committee and coordinator
- BCL league events/casino positions
- Laundry helpers
- Snow removal
*more positions may be added as needed throughout the year